Latin America

Health & Nutrition
Community Development
Appropriate Technology
Pastoral Training
Spiritual Formation

Mission Impact

Mission Impact’s passion is to reflect the Glory of God in Guatemala through partnering with dynamic, nationally led, long-term ministries that focus on the areas of education, health, nutrition, community development, appropriate technology, pastoral training, and spiritual formation through making disciples.

Ministry partners include:

Construyendo Corazones Bible classes/clubs in the Public Elementary School.

Harvest Bible University of Guatemala, an extension of Harvest Bible University in Los Angeles, offers an affordable Christian education locally, achievable for people of all ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and practical for ministry and Christian life.

Nueva Generación introduces young people to the truth of Jesus Christ through classes in Christian Character Development and Values in junior high and high schools.

Creciendo Juntos is a healhtcare ministry that provides workshops, clinics and health education.

Hechos 2:8 trains indigenous pastors in their native Mayan language to reach their communities, evangelizes children and youth, and provide for basic needs of the community through the construction of water filters, wells and latrines.

Appropriate Technology uses the simplest and most effective means available to bring development to an area that does not have access to clean water. The ministry also builds fuel efficient, wood-burning stoves.

Vida & Esperanza School integrates a Christian worldview in the area of academics, character development, and family life.

Próximos Pasos School serves girls who were not able to enroll in public school due to their age or financial situation. Their holistic approach to education is biblically-based and covers the areas of academics; physical, emotional and spiritual health, family involvement and occupational training.

Healthy Communities works with local leaders, churches, schools, servant teams, and other organizations to identify the long-term needs of each community. Their goal is to improve the quality of community life through water filters, fuel efficient stoves and education.