Latin America


410 Bridge

410 Bridge is a non-profit organization that serves through the local church to empower local communities to radically improve their spiritual and physical health to create lasting life change.

410 Bridge has 5 key areas of development: Water, Education, Economic, Health, and Discipleship. Multiple projects may take place within 5 key areas of development, based on the community’s foreseen need.

Their projects belong to the community. Because projects & programs are not dependent on Western short term mission teams to be completed or maintained, they become sustainable by the local leaders and people. Short term missions become primarily relational. The teams now have time and energy to pursue relationships as they work alongside community members on projects and through visits in their homes and churches. The community is empowered.

Success is not measured by what they do, but by what the community does on its own. Recognizing God has gifted and equipped them to fulfill a purpose; communities become empowered to continue the development effort on their own.